Ethan W. Che

PhD Student, Columbia Business School
Decision, Risk, and Operations

I am a PhD student at Columbia Business School in the Decision, Risk, and Operations division. I am advised by Jing Dong and Hongseok Namkoong.

My research is on model-based machine learning for developing new computational approaches for large-scale problems in OR/MS. Some tools I use in my research are,

  • Differentiable Simulation
  • Optimal Control
  • Deep Reinforcement Learning
  • Stochastic Modeling (e.g. fluid and diffusion models)

In particular, I am interested in applications in adaptive experimentation and scheduling in queuing networks and discrete-event systems. I've also done research in mechanism design.

I worked as an ML engineer intern at Instacart in Spring 2023. I am a research intern at Netflix for Summer 2024.

eche25 (at)      Google Scholar